Archive for October, 2006

Linux and wine
October 30, 2006

Saturday was the linux day in Italy and I went to the local Linux users group.

I’m using ubuntu on my pc, this means I’m a linux user.

I can use a lot of programs for free and safe and I can ask suggestions and tips by the internet to the local users group…. for free 🙂


I never regret moving to linux!

( if a program works only on windows, I can get wine… the alcohol makes you think you are using windows and that program works! :mrgreen: …or rather wine is a windows simulator on linux – though it is not the only way

How many programs !!! Find them below:

First I was afraid to not be good enough for using linux but I can use it ( and then perform new skills triggers new synaptic links in the brain! 😉 )

Quantum mechanics
October 21, 2006

Here a video on quantum mechanics, from Berkeley University. ( very understandable)

I have made a cartoon about quantum mechanics either in Italian and in English. quantum mechanics is very amazing.



Here a bit of my screenplay, and a picture from the cartoon:


seq 2- inside the box

9.Felix (crying) Am I dead , alive?!

10.photon Do you need a psychologist?

11.photon Do you feel yourself observed?

Felix shakes his head.

12.photon Well, you are not mad! It’s the same for me: I do exist and I don’t exist. That’s what can happen to all of us, quantum particles! Come along! I’ll show you the quantum world.

13.Felix But we are prisoners here!

14.photon To be part of a thought experiment has its advantages! Follow me!

October 16, 2006

My book states that away is an adverb to talk about something going from a place further from here or moving in a different direction. Or disappearing.

This is exactly how I feel sometimes. I want to move myself in a different direction , in aaway1.jpg place further from here and disappearing…

I’m still here. Why? I don’t know… right away. This is far away the hard mistery I never known. There is no getting away from the fact that there is no reason to stay here if I don’t like. I say to myself: fire away , tell the truth! You are walking away from the problem … yes, it’s true, my scare runs away with me. I should do away with it.

October 13, 2006

Nobel peace prize to Muhammad Yunus  🙂 !!!

nobel prize winners and education loosers
October 11, 2006



usciopiccolo1.jpgNobel prize winners in Chemistry , in Physics and in Medicine are all from U.S.A., also in Economic science… Bravi!

In Italy , on the other hand , I have read that we have a big problem of illiteracy 😦 … I’m very sorry and I can’t find out what is the cause. Many people become illiterate from a literate position. They gave up reading and writing and their skills get worst. But the figures are impressing: 12% are totally analphabetic, and only 7,5% have a graduate degree 😯

I personally know some of them ( I mean some of the 12% here… and yes, I know also some rare type from the 7,5%, I know I’m very lucky :mrgreen: ) , they are often elder people with a hard past life that didn’t let them study as they would had liked. Now, old and without the willingness for the studyng effort, they risk to be out of the society. But sometimes they are young people… they are worker, they usually vote ( we have a very high turnout, about 80% and sometimes more…) , they have children …so they do things and they should be supposed having definite skills and they haven’t, but nobody seems realise that there is a problem in their daily life. I ‘m concern about it.

the wall
October 5, 2006

I have read about the great idea of another wall-barrier in the world. We really miss it ! I can’t believe it. History didn’t teach us anything. Walls is the answer in Palestine , and now on the border between U.S.A. and Mexico. I don’t think that it can solve the problem. Actually I don’t know what the problem is .( Immigration?it’s since the beeing humans was born… Americans must know something about it) I know that Mexicans and others walking  walk into U.S.A without permission , but I know also that California can’t work without Spanish people. I wonder: who will be the workers that will build that wall?  White northern Americans?
