Archive for the ‘general Knowledge’ Category
November 19, 2007

Hunger of knowledge helps food hunger:

It’s a nice feeling learning english helping people.

It’s a game that exploiting the advertisments, gather funds for the world food program. You generate money by playing ( and watching ads)

my dream
January 3, 2007


I have a dream. I would like to write and drawings the story of Galileo Galilei. I don’t know if I never will do it. I can start something this 2007… 😳
Galileo was great and somehow small, he didn’t want leave his first daughter, “The Science”, to the Church , but he managed to give his two daughtersΒ  to it ( is “It” right here, my dear natives? Thank you πŸ™‚ Β  ).

He wanted be a priest himself 😯

This is the proof how people, though ingenius, could be confused about theirselves :mrgreen:

He is important for the statement that the science mustn’t be under the authority of the Church or of the politics, this is not an old issue, but topical, since there are theories such as creationism and intelligent design.

“An Unconvenient truth”
December 11, 2006


I haven’t post for a while , someone asks for new post and here you are. I need something interesting to say before posting , these days I haven’t had interesting things to share or interesting English notes to record and I have to confess that I haven’t had the right mood… but something ( and someone πŸ˜‰ ) triggers me :

I saw that film (or movie, I prefer “film”) and I feel that is a very important issue that worths discussion, and it’s a must sharing it , because it must concern all of us human beings.

A moral issue? More: a vital issue

We all in Europe know about the global warming and about its causes, and conseguenses, because this is a daily political issue in our countries, but it is never enough talking about this. Because we theoretically are aware that is a vital issue, but not in fact:

Generally parents care the future of their child, and they could worried about possible difficulties in their future: they usually worried about drugs, about sex, if their child could be homosexual, if they could have some mental disorder, about accident, about sexual crimes, about education…

but the real basic problem is if these children will have a future world. Actually very few parent are concerned about this.

The newspaper don’t tell us the real degree of importance of the news when they are telling the news. They built a degree scale that is fake. Surprise: terrorism is not the main danger! πŸ˜‰

Politicians well know that if they say the truth , then we don’t vote for them :mrgreen: , thus they don’t say the entire truth : they are changing only few and little things that don’t fix anything but at the same time don’t arise much disagree from the people. People? I rather should say from industry companies, oil company , war company, …

Which is the connection?

Global warming depend mainly on the presence of too much Co2 in our athmospher.

Here a nice chain:

oil, coal –>too much polluntion due to combustion –>Too much Co2 <– less forests <– plantations and mines


Too much Co2 –> global warming–> death ( more than 9-11 !!!!!)


Well it’s not only up to the oil πŸ˜‰ though oil is important because its combustion that is involved mainly to get energy , motion energy…

We should stop using oil to move our machines included cars, this is the truth in order to stop the increase of co 2,

We already know this.

I’m not talking about olive oil, of course. We have two different term in Italian : olio, it is the innocent oil from vegetal seeds , and petrolio ( litteraly stone oil). Oil itself is innocent, but we users are not… Stop using oil could be a good idea

When we are using oil?

I ‘m not an expert… (can some expert comes and corrects me and tells us more, please ?) but I can write down what I know

Oil is using in process to get plastic, to get different kind of energy , as well as electric energy ( so we are not save simply using generic electric energy), to get synthetic materials ( fabrics for example ) , and to get chemical substances

we can use less new plastic stuff recycling the old one, and as consequence less energy

we can use brain: why in winter heating till the same temperature we usually need to cool in summer!! Enjoy the fashion and use different cloths, whool in winter and cotton in summer, not cotton in winter suffering the warm of the heating and a Jacket in summer because of the air conditioner

The water sample

We are wasting a lot of good water, and it will finish sooner or later, better don’t waste it. The water in the world is it the same water that move in a circle. Yes, also the water that you using for flushing will be drunk..eheheheh but don’t worry: you will drink it after its travel down in the earth and up in the clouds… it’s all depend if soil and air are clean or not..erhmm

Water is essential though wto wants consider it as well as a simple property that you can freely buy or sell, the idea that is behind is that if you pay more you have the right to have more of it and if you want even to waste your property. Water is a human ( and not only human , animals , vegetables has the same rights) heritage, not a property… I ‘m angry .

back to the point … Need energy to built a bottle, need energy to, since filled , move it .. well why I need to bring water from France to others places ( not sahara) by train , cargos, sheeps and whatever… So Italian water travels to France and French water travel to Italy , wasting energy and increasing pollution.. Am I really able to distinguish French water from Italian one? ( perhaps wine…) I don’t like the business water I see in Italy ( I don’t know other places)

I always use the same bottle and refill it several times. If I don’t buy the water and I use the water pouring from the tap in my house I can save energy of the process for building the bottle , and energy from the travel from a place to another … and plus I can save my dignity because I don’t let them pulling my legs .


Watch the film or movie then, especially if you are American. The film is better then me πŸ˜†


Someone could regret to have trigger me to post…

Festa della Toscana
November 30, 2006

30 November 1786

first time a state soppressed the capital punishment and the torture in the world . It was in Tuscany by Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo ( from Asburgo-Lorena the Austrian family ). I’m proud because Tuscany it’s my place ( but it’s no longer a state, it’s currently an Italian region)

It become also the European day against the capital punishment, there are several cities that celebrate this day .

Actually I don’t know how I can translate “festa” πŸ˜• , it could be

Tuscany Day

Tuscany festival

Feast of Tuscany…

help… πŸ™„

Quantum mechanics
October 21, 2006

Here a video on quantum mechanics, from Berkeley University. ( very understandable)

I have made a cartoon about quantum mechanics either in Italian and in English. quantum mechanics is very amazing.



Here a bit of my screenplay, and a picture from the cartoon:


seq 2- inside the box

9.Felix (crying) Am I dead , alive?!

10.photon Do you need a psychologist?

11.photon Do you feel yourself observed?

Felix shakes his head.

12.photon Well, you are not mad! It’s the same for me: I do exist and I don’t exist. That’s what can happen to all of us, quantum particles! Come along! I’ll show you the quantum world.

13.Felix But we are prisoners here!

14.photon To be part of a thought experiment has its advantages! Follow me!