
My book states that away is an adverb to talk about something going from a place further from here or moving in a different direction. Or disappearing.

This is exactly how I feel sometimes. I want to move myself in a different direction , in aaway1.jpg place further from here and disappearing…

I’m still here. Why? I don’t know… right away. This is far away the hard mistery I never known. There is no getting away from the fact that there is no reason to stay here if I don’t like. I say to myself: fire away , tell the truth! You are walking away from the problem … yes, it’s true, my scare runs away with me. I should do away with it.

4 Responses

  1. I understand the feeling. Sensitive people are subject to mutability of their universe and mankind. We can give a lot, but never be recompensated in equal terms. Osho is a philosopher that helps me overcome the overwhelming sensation that I am a prisoner in this world. Here are a few words below (unfortunately it’s in Italian) 🙂

    Per secoli il vuoto è stato condannato. Il vuoto è bello, mentre gente sciocca ti ha detto: “La mente vuota è l’officina del diavolo”. Ma la mente vuota è l’officina di Dio! E’ la mente occupata l’officina del diavolo!
    Ma uno deve essere vermante vuoto. Se sei pigro, non significa che sei vuoto. Miglaia di pensieri fanno rumore dentro di te. Puoi essere pigro esternamente, ma all’interno c’è un grande lavorio. Sono stati eretti molti muri, sono state costruite molte prigioni, in modo che se le vecchie ti stufano puoi entrare in quelle nuove. Le vecchie catene si possono spezzare in qualunque momento, e tu ne stai creando di nuove, in questo caso accada; altrimenti ti sentiresti vuoto. Ogni tanto si spezzano da sole — perché essere libero è la tua vera natura. Ogni tanto, tuo malgrado … di fronte a un tramonto, dimentichi imporvvisamente tutti ituoi desideri. Dimentichi ogni avidità, ogni brama di piacere. Il tramonto è cosi’ bello, cosi’ irresistibile che dimentichi il passato e il futuro, e resta solo il presente.Sei una cosa sola con il momento presente, al punto che non vi è osservatore e non vi è ciò che è osservato. L’osservatore diventa la cosa osservata.
    Non sei separato dal tramanto.
    Sei collegato; in tale comunione giungi a una chiarezza, grazie alla quale ti senti pieno di gioia. Ma poi ritorni nel buco nero, per la semplice ragione che per uscire, per giungere a quella chiarezza, hai bisogno di coraggio, il coraggio di restare a cielo aperto, senza riparo.
    Quello è ciò che si chiama sannyas.
    Questo coraggio io lo chiamo sannyas –non fuggire ma giungere alla chiarezza, vedendo il cielo senza nuvole, ascoltando il puro e limpido canto degli uccelli. E cosi’ sempre più spesso, tu sei in sintonia con il vuoto, e con la gioia di essere vuoto. Piano piano ti accorgi che quel vuoto non è solo vuoto; è pienezza, ma una pienezza della quale non sei mai stato cosciente, che non hai mai assaggiato prima.
    Cosi’, quello che all’inizio sembra vuoto, alla fine è piene, completamente pieno, traboccante. E’ traboccante di pace, è traboccante di silenzio, è traboccante di luce.

  2. Empty and full. Do you know Kundera,( I know the title only in Italian), his L’insostenibile leggerezza dell’essere? This lightness is another difficult thing to do. Somewhat the same .The individual is the most important thing in our post-Freud era, and in western civilisation , this mean that we are always worried or concerned about something, because, according to western opinion, you worth if you are interesting, full of intelligent thoughts, activities, dates, jobs, hobbies. No room for silly stupid sunsets, only a brief glance in a holydays day. Who can say proudly,only “I’m the one who have seen the moon , last night!” ?
    Beside the poetic words, there is a true idea in this Italian article, but it is so difficult act like this! My mind is always full. 😦 Running away can’t change things.

  3. Ah yes, “The Incredible Lightness of Being” by Kundera. It’s on my reading list, but knowing the amount of time I have at disposal to read, I’ll get to it maybe within the next decade.
    Basically, the leitmotif is the same: Western civilisation has truly lost its centre. A man is judged by his ability to perform, produce, reproduce, or appear to do so. It is beneath our dignity to simply exist and “be”, because we must show that we can dominate our environment whether that means with our mind, our physical strength, religious fervor or nowadays, a sort of professional stoicism…
    Yet, we are more and more afraid of death, because our life is nothing but a series of events that may last 640,000 hours if we are healthy enough to reach that milestone. Our doctrines have no remedies our fear of death, psychological and physical addictions, integrating different beliefs, integrating elderly, mentally retarded and the list goes on and on… We relegate the problems to institutions, but are unable to deal with the fundamental origins of our despair, unhappiness and isolation.
    Man must stop for a moment each day and understand that the only quintessential truth is that life is a precious gift. Unique, statistically improbable, and beautiful. Our plants and flowers radiate joy for the pure fact that they are alive and their profume is the delight of every living person. If we are sad, there is a reason, but our intrinsic nature is happy and optimistic. If we simply observe our thoughts, our worries and frustrations as if we were watching a sunset, we understand that it all really doesn’t matter.
    Our emotions must be recognized and accepted. If I am sad because my husband did not notice that I slaved all day to make a nice lunch, I must say to myself “I’m sad, because I feel unappreciated.” If I repeat that again and again to myself, I accept my own emotions and they are no longer repressed feelings. Maybe I will discuss this with him and maybe I won’t.
    When we want to run away, instead, it is because there are a lot of repressed feelings, which are inflicting a great deal of pain. Many times pain comes from the outside. Financial difficulties, death, war … We must understand, though, that struggles help build awareness, and that’s what helps our spirit elevate and change “Gestalt”.
    Every person has dignity, rich or poor; each mind is intelligent, whether you are articulate or not; every person can be beautiful if they only understand their uniqueness.
    Then, especially in Italy: we must put less emphasis on learning notions, but in assimilating truth. My daughter is a victim of the educational system. Every day she has to study hours upon hours to fill her mind with ideas and notions that have no practical use in her innocent mind. Like Pink Floyd said so musically, “It’s another brick in the wall”. They are training her to become efficient, but her nature will not permit it. Neither will I as her mother; I want her to learn to think in her own special way. That’s why I love children, the mentally retarded, unconventional people, and artists.
    … It’s a heavy subject, but so relevant!
    I think this site is fantastic and I am so happy to see people committing themselves so much to learning a language and sharing an experience. I admire your ability to use difficult expressions and verbalise so well in English. And, of course, your drawings are MAGNIFICENT. Please, keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!

  4. Er… I ‘m reddishing…. Thanks Michelle!

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