Linux and wine

Saturday was the linux day in Italy and I went to the local Linux users group.

I’m using ubuntu on my pc, this means I’m a linux user.

I can use a lot of programs for free and safe and I can ask suggestions and tips by the internet to the local users group…. for free 🙂


I never regret moving to linux!

( if a program works only on windows, I can get wine… the alcohol makes you think you are using windows and that program works! :mrgreen: …or rather wine is a windows simulator on linux – though it is not the only way

How many programs !!! Find them below:

First I was afraid to not be good enough for using linux but I can use it ( and then perform new skills triggers new synaptic links in the brain! 😉 )

2 Responses

  1. Linux is great! I’ve been working with it for years, and it keeps amazing me.

    ps. The new look of your blog is very nice 😉

  2. Thanks Gustavo! And yes, it is the same for me… this is why I want to share this with people. It seems to me that in South America there is a more opening about it than here. And it is also an issue of freedom, you know 🙂 !

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