
February 21, 2009 - 2 Responses

Ahh, che bella giornata! Altro giro, altro decreto. Siamo arrivati alle ronde, ma fa ancora freddo, perchè,, come dice un mio conoscente: una ronda non fa primavera.

Aspettiamone altre, quindi e poi vedremo.

Intanto, preso atto che la maggior parte degli stupri avviene in famiglia, ad opera di Italiani ( almeno in Italia, ovviamente), è logico organizzare le ronde in strada, attende in particolare agli stranieri. Il tipo di logica è propriamente quella fuzzy, abbandonando giustamente la logica classica che ha veramente stancato e pecca di mancanza di fantasia.

Allo stesso tipo di ragionamento si aggancia la necessità di tagliare i fondi alle forze dell’ordine, per attrezzare di cellulari (telefoni) le stesse forze dell’ordine una volta in pensione e arruolate nelle ronde. Del resto le prime  hanno ancora la gioventù e possono sgambettare all’inseguimento di ladri e malfattori facendo a meno dei cellulari (auto) , mentre le seconde, già in là con gli anni, è giusto che abbiano un po’ più d’aiuto e denaro.

Ma perché si sono limitati alle ronde anti-stupro? E quelle anti-Rom?

Attendiamo fiduciosi sapendo che non verremo delusi.

sempre più in basso

May 21, 2008 - Leave a Response

Sono un po’ depressa. Tutt’intorno si percepisce un’atmosfera ostile e razzista. Proprio non me l’aspettavo il progrom a Ponticelli, a Napoli, ad opera di Napoletani contro poveri Roma, privi di tutto. E certo non mi aspettavo il plauso che serpeggia in rete: eh, in fondo se la cercano! Andatevene a casa vostra! Non se ne può più!

E davvero io non ne posso più di tanta grettezza d’animo, di tanta ignoranza e inciviltà. Mi viene voglia di scappare, fuggire via dall’Italia. Peccato che abbia da poco aperto un albergo e non possa mollare tutto così. E per andare dove? Qualche idea ce l’avrei…

Ma forze dovrei fare qualcosa qui. Ma cosa? I miei concittadini mi infastidiscono. Sono loro il vero problema per la sicurezza:  assaltano innocenti, stuprano invalide ( notizia di oggi) o bambine ( notizia di ieri), reclamano deportazioni, chiedono “ronde”.

Il mio paese sta dando una pessima prova di fronte al naturale e sempre avvenuto movimento dei popoli. Non mi piace. E il governo invece di assecondare come già fatto dal governo precedente, un atteggiamento irrazionale e ingiusto, dovrebbe far crescere moralmente ( e culturalmente)  i cittadini.

November 19, 2007 - 2 Responses

Hunger of knowledge helps food hunger:

It’s a nice feeling learning english helping people.

It’s a game that exploiting the advertisments, gather funds for the world food program. You generate money by playing ( and watching ads)


May 7, 2007 - One Response has opened a forum on racism, the question is : Is it racism demanding to respect the law?

This question is stupid: obviously the answer is negative. Racism is when you demand it just to immigrants.Racism is when laws are not the same for everyone.

I wanted reply to them , but I didn’t want to write to them because of that stupid question not so innocent: That question implies that the problem of legality is only related to immigrants.

I didn’t write to them, and I write here instead.

I didn’t write for long time because I was tired of my useless blog.

Maybe I will write here again, maybe not. I ‘m angry now. I’m also racist: against stupid people. I ‘m a very intelligent one… who is laughing? 😉

Sarkozy won…

let alone

March 22, 2007 - 4 Responses


I have written ” let alone someone”, meaning in my opinion “let him stay alone” , but my friend Hellboy told me that mine is a wrong use , thanks Hellboy 🙂 . However I don’t write here his samples heheheh, I have found another place that teaches

how to use it

but how can I say ” to leave someone alone” maybe ? Anything else?

Please don’t leave me alone, answer me , thanks 🙂 !


March 20, 2007 - 2 Responses


Just the truth….I think I’m strongly addicted to dhmo !!! 😯

Get ….corrected

March 20, 2007 - Leave a Response


My friend Domenic (thanks) has corrected my previous story “Get “. Here his edition:

I’m afraid of get. For me it’s like a terrible monster with innumerable heads. Today I want to face it. I’m trembling just thinking about it, and I will be brave. Here is a story to stick this verb to my mind so I can get past all my fear about it forever. I think this story is barely understandable… Blame the one who encourages me to learn English!

Mr. X got up out of bed early that morning and prepared his breakfast as usual.

He wanted to take a hot shower but he could not because the drain was clogged.

Mr. X got angry because when he called the plumber, the plumber was not there and he needed to find a fast way to get his shower repaired, otherwise he would be late for work!

Fortunately, he got along with his neighbor who was a former plumber. So he called him and asked if he had time right now to come fix his shower. His neighbor agreed and came right away and got it working.

So Mr. X showered, got dressed and left for work.

He arrived at work at Ten AM which was very late, so he immediately got busy with his work.

His boss noticed that he had arrived late and became very angry saying to him “You are not getting very much work done when you are late and you had better get all this work done! Got it?”

Mr. X became angry and stood up. As he stood, he tried to get around his boss and said, “I do not get along with you so I have decided to move on.”

The Boss didn’t get what Mr. X was saying and said to him “what do you mean?” “If you don’t get over this right now, I will fire you.”

That day, Mr. X got fired. Realizing what had happened, he became depressed. He knew that he had to make new plans and get on with his life.

After several months went by, he decided to get a new job. He also found a beautiful woman and got married.

Every day now, he wakes up and take a nice hot shower.


March 18, 2007 - Leave a Response

 Adjective, about words or ideas.

formulaic = stereotipato


March 7, 2007 - 5 Responses


I’m afraid of get. For me it’s like a terrible monster with innumerable heads. Today I want to face it. I ‘m trembling , but I will brave… erm here a story for stick this verb to my mind. I think it is barely understandable… Blame the one who encourages me learning English

Mr. X got dismissed.

Mr. X got up early that morning, got out of his bed and , getting hungry, got the breakfast ready as usual.

He wanted to get a shower, but he didn’t get it: the shower got broken.

Mr X got angry, he got the telephone but didn’t get the plumber. He must got his shower repaired!

Fortunately he got along with his neighbour , a former plumber, and he got in him to fix the shower and he got it working .

So he got washed and then dressed .

He eventually got out.

He got to the work at ten , very late , so immediately got down to work.

But his boss had got angry and got at him : ” Why did you get nowhere? You have to get through a lot of work ! Got me?”

Mr X got up and tryed to get round his boss : “I get along with you , sir , I’m getting on …

The Boss didn’t get : “what are you getting at? You didn’t get over !I’ll get rid of you”

Mr X got dismissed . This fact got him down and he got off.

Now the past has got by. He has got back from his getaway and has got a new job and got married.

He gets used to bath.

Lost in English…

March 1, 2007 - 5 Responses

I have seen an episode of Lost the famous tv series, in English. I have seen already all the first series in English as a language exercise. I thought I was able to understand almost all the dialogue this time, but I wasn’t. 😦

Sometime I can forget that that sound is a meaningfull word. It sound to me just a sound, not a unknown word.

I have got the story obviously … ( also because I can find a transcription on the internet 😉 ) but I get frustrated.

Do I never understand English ?

I have to confess that I have stopped my english study . I have quitted my job and I have to find something else and it’s not easy.

I feel a bit useless… what can I do ? a lots… and nothing. I can’t speak English


No, I don’t give up.

I will find a new job.

I will understand Lost in English.