Lost in English…

I have seen an episode of Lost the famous tv series, in English. I have seen already all the first series in English as a language exercise. I thought I was able to understand almost all the dialogue this time, but I wasn’t. 😦

Sometime I can forget that that sound is a meaningfull word. It sound to me just a sound, not a unknown word.

I have got the story obviously … ( also because I can find a transcription on the internet 😉 ) but I get frustrated.

Do I never understand English ?

I have to confess that I have stopped my english study . I have quitted my job and I have to find something else and it’s not easy.

I feel a bit useless… what can I do ? a lots… and nothing. I can’t speak English


No, I don’t give up.

I will find a new job.

I will understand Lost in English.

5 Responses

  1. Forgetting that a sound is actually a word happens to me often enough, and I’ve been speaking a language pretty close to English for most of my life.
    It happens to the best of us…though I’m nowhere near that. Good to see you back and posting again.

  2. Thank you Alabaster! 🙂 you are always so encouraging ( I need it …sometimes)
    Now I’m curious: which language?
    I ‘m a bit lazy and busy in this period because I have lost ( again this word!) my job and I have to find a new one and to learn new things ( html, css, blender) , but also keeping learning English could be useful, couldn’t it? 😉

  3. Well, it pretty much is English, but I have my own quirks and things…plus I tend to make the rules of grammar pretty bendy. I also like using foreign words. But yeah..basically I speak English…just badly.
    Good luck with the job hunt…I wouldn’t stop learning, if only because learning is fun (and indeed useful).

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